Announcements Sharrows and Bike Lanes: What’s the difference? When it comes to bike-friendly roads, it's important to know what exactly sharrows are and how they differ from bike lanes. While both serve to recommend routes for cyclists, there are key differences that affects the safety for the people cycling.
Design & Engineering How to Compute for VAT and Service Charge the Correct Way™️™️™️ (or: Monetary Arithmetic is Case-Specific) Let’s compute how three friends will split a restaurant bill, including VAT and Service Charge.
Announcements Sakay's COVID-19 Response We're big believers in the value of information-- the entire point of Sakay is to deliver information about public transport to commuters. We like passing information to our users, and we
Design & Engineering Transit Area Coverage in Pasig During the Transport Strike In Sept 30, transport groups staged a transport strike. To minimize the negative impact, LGUs deployed their own routes. Were they able to cover the areas effectively? Let's look at how Pasig's Libreng Sakay fared!
Design & Engineering Updating Averages and Variances Incrementally Given a list of numbers, there are multiple ways of computing the average and variance (including the standard deviation). A blog entry by Dr. Cook [
Design & Engineering Understanding Data: Statistics Introduction Hello, Wil here! I handle deployment of the iPhone and iPad app [] of, among other things at By Implication